SHU has access to a number of videos which you may find useful.

Videos (SHU login required, works with Chrome)

PhD Perspectives – Our Viva Experience

The ‘What Next’ video – Career Planning during your Doctorate

Careers and Employability Service for Doctoral Students

The Research Impact Video – Changing the world with your Doctorate

The PhD Survival Video

The Role of Science in Society – Have you ever wondered about how science is seen in different countries? Or what about the famous slogan of science being “value free”? What’s the role of incentive in science, and what is all that talk about “open science”? These videos give you access to key ideas, concepts, and empirical sources for thinking about science, scientific integrity, and the role of science in society.

Basics of Science Communication – How should you get started if you want to communicate about science on social media? And what are the processes behind reporting about science in the press? These videos introduce you to basic insights about science communication, provided by the experienced science communicators from NaWik.

Reading (recommended) SHU Library Gateway

  • Becoming a Successful Early Career Researcher (Adrian R Eley)
  • Success in Research (Sage series)
  • Research Skills (Palgrave series)