Testing Testing: Exhibition Launch
Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery, 153 Arundel Street, Sheffield, S1 2NU.
Preview and Launch: Friday 12 August 6.00 – 9.00pm
Testing Testing explores making as inquiry.
Artists from the Cultural, Communication and Computing Research Institute (C3Ri) PhD Programme present works exploring and exposing the process of making in academic research.
Artists Include: Emma Bolland, Rose Butler, Helen Clarke, Michael Day, Susannah Gent, Debbie Michaels, Emma O’Connor, Bernadette O’Toole, Jo Ray, Rachel Smith, and Rachel Emily Taylor.
Testing Testing includes film, photography, text, painting, code, and installation. Particular inquiries consider distraction, technology, language, the nature of the model, surveil- lance, the uncanny, narratives in heritage and healthcare, the politics of the female body, screenplay structure and literature in the visual arts.
Drawing from these diverse research processes and practices each of the artists taking part will form a dialogue with an invited contributor. These dialogues will form part of the Testing Testing publication and symposium on Friday 2nd September 10.00-16.00.
Exhibition open Saturday 13th August − Friday 2nd September 2016
Symposium: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/testing-testing-tickets-26516237781