White Rose DTP/Sheffield Institute for Policy Studies

Professional Skills for Research Leadership – Doctoral Training Seminar Series

As part of Sheffield Hallam University’s participation in the White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership, and in conjunction with the Sheffield Institute for Policy Studies, we are delighted to announce a new series of training seminars aiming to provide students with the skills required to move beyond successful PhD completion to building a career in the social sciences through post-doctoral positions, securing research funding and managing larger scale research projects.

The first lecture/workshop will take place on Wednesday 9 October 2019 in Stoddart 7139 between 2-4pm

In this session Professor Barry Goodchild from the Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research (CRESR) will deliver a seminar on Developing a Publication Strategy and Navigating REF.  Further information here

The following sessions will take place later in the year

13 November 2019Prof Christina Beatty (CRESR) will deliver a seminar on Communicating with Different Audiences – Stoddart 7139, 2-4pm.  Further information here

11 December 2019 Prof Paul Hickman (Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics) will deliver a seminar on Collaboration with Academic and Non-Academic Partners – Stoddart 7139, 2-4pm.  Further information here

12 February 2020Sarah Pearson, Principal Research Fellow at CRESR will deliver a seminar on Managing Social Research – Charles St 12.4.12, 2-4pm.  Further information here

11 March 2020Prof Ed Ferrari, Director of CRESR will deliver a seminar on Developing an Academic Profile – Charles St 12.4.12, 2-4pm.  Further information here

13 May 2020 –  Prof Peter Wells, Assistant Dean Research, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities will deliver a seminar on Navigating the Funding Landscape – Charles St 12.4.12, 2-4pm.  Further information here

These sessions will be open to all doctoral students and staff in the Social Sciences at SHU (ie sociology, politics, psychology, urban studies, education, social policy, health policy, criminology, human geography, business and organisations).

For enquiries please contact the coordinator of these seminars, Dr Bob Jeffery in the Sociology Subject Group – r.f.jeffery@shu.ac.uk