Our weekly update highlighting news and upcoming events for the PGR community for the week ending Friday 10 February should have arrived in your mailbox.  If you don’t currently receive the email, please contact the Doctoral School (doctoralschool@shu.ac.uk) and we will attach you the Research Degrees Blackboard site which will add you to the mailing list.

In our update this week:

  1. Message of Support and Solidarity to colleagues from Turkey and Syria from our Student Reps
  2. ASPIRE Programme seeking Academic Mentors
  3. PGR Race Equity Group Webinar |  “Evaluating PGR Race Equity”  |  Wednesday 8 March 2023  |  1300 – 1430
  4. Upcoming sessions from the Library Research Support Team
  5. Creative Writing Masterclass |  ‘Out of Human Sight’ Sophie Parkes-Nield and Northodox Press – Launch Event  |  Wednesday 15 February  | 1810  | Norfolk 210, City Campus
  6. Rolling Induction Series for New PGR Students
  7. Basketball Sessions |  Thursdays from 1800 – 1900 | City Campus Sports Hall