Virtual PGR cafe

Drop in PGR Virtual Café The Doctoral School runs a Friday morning Drop-in PGR Virtual Café – so please join us each Friday via the RESEARCH DEGREES blackboard site collaborate session (email for the link). The virtual café offers an opportunity to network with other members of the SHU PGR community in an informal … Continue reading Virtual PGR cafe

Doctoral skills webinar – your finished thesis

Would you like guidance on how to add your thesis to the university's research archive? In this session we will cover issues such as copyright and publishing work based on your thesis and how this affects adding your thesis to the archive. This session is suitable for all doctoral students. Book via Unihub

Library research drop-in

The Library Research Support team are holding drop-ins using Blackboard Collaborate- these are on Mondays at 10-11am and Fridays at 2-3pm. You can join the drop-in using the link on the skills centre page.

Academic English for Doctoral Students

Academic English for Doctoral Students (eg PhD, EdD, DBA etc) is a non-credit bearing module for students working independently on a doctorate. The focus will be on practising and developing the language and rhetoric to explain and present your research in both written and spoken formats. Module content includes: research-based writing writing the RF1/RF2 delivering … Continue reading Academic English for Doctoral Students

Ethics Briefing for new Doctoral Students

Online via Blackboard Collaborate

In this session, Prof Ann Macaskill will be introducing you to Ethics in the context of Doctoral Research and addressing the key questions of Why do Ethics matter? What are your responsibilities? How do you apply for Ethical approval? What can go wrong? Prof Macaskill will also briefly introduce you to the Converis system, used … Continue reading Ethics Briefing for new Doctoral Students

Virtual PGR Café

Drop in PGR Virtual Café The Doctoral School runs a Friday morning Drop-in PGR Virtual Café – so please join us each Friday via the RESEARCH DEGREES blackboard site collaborate session (email for the link). The virtual café offers an opportunity to network with other members of the SHU PGR community in an informal … Continue reading Virtual PGR Café

Library research drop-in

The Library Research Support team are holding drop-ins using Blackboard Collaborate- these are on Mondays at 10-11am and Fridays at 2-3pm. You can join the drop-in using the link on the skills centre page.

Planning your Development as a New Researcher – Where to Start?

Online via Blackboard Collaborate

As a researcher you will be developing a unique set of knowledge, skills and behaviours that are important both for timely completion of your research degree and your future professional success. Success looks different for all of us, so it is up to you to decide what your priorities are, how you need to develop … Continue reading Planning your Development as a New Researcher – Where to Start?