Research Data Management (RDM) training

Norfolk 504 (City)

This is an introductory session, covering: what research data management is why research data management is important writing a data management plan planning for preserving and sharing your data The session is suitable for staff, Masters by Research, and doctoral students. Places can be booked via: NB. This is a repeat of the event held … Continue reading Research Data Management (RDM) training

Doctoral Skills Workshop: Your Finished Thesis

Adsetts 6613 (City) Adsetts Learning Centre, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Would you like guidance on how to add your thesis to the university's research archive? In this session we will cover issues such as copyright and publishing work based on your thesis and how this affects adding your thesis to the archive. We will discuss: why an online thesis? copyright and your online thesis embargoes … Continue reading Doctoral Skills Workshop: Your Finished Thesis

Doctoral Skills Workshop: Getting Published

Adsetts 6613 (City) Adsetts Learning Centre, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Are you looking at having your work published? In this session we will address some important issues to consider when publishing research. These will include: criteria for choosing a journal or publisher Open Access Copyright Metrics This session is suitable for all doctoral students. Booking link:

Doctoral Writing Feedback Group

The Doctoral Writing Feedback Group are meeting on 19 September. If anyone wishes to take part, please contact Katrina Fleming directly. More information about the group can be found here:

The Brilliant Club – information event

Owen 744 Sheffield, United Kingdom

The Scholars Programme – Sheffield Hallam University - PhD tutor opportunity – 2019-20 The Scholars Programme is run by The Brilliant Club, an award-winning university access charity. They recruit and train doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to deliver programmes of university-style teaching to pupils in schools that serve under-represented communities. Sheffield Hallam University works in partnership with … Continue reading The Brilliant Club – information event

Developing a Publication Strategy and Navigating REF (in the Social Sciences)

Stoddart 7139 (City)

As part of Sheffield Hallam University’s participation in the White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership, and in conjunction with the Sheffield Institute for Policy Studies, we are delighted to announce a new series of training seminars aiming to provide students with the skills required to move beyond successful PhD completion to building a career in the … Continue reading Developing a Publication Strategy and Navigating REF (in the Social Sciences)

University English Scheme – Academic English for your Doctorate

Arundel 10212a (City) SHU City Campus

University English Scheme, Semester 1 Non-credit Academic English Classes Academic English for your Doctorate is a non-credit module designed for students working independently on a research degree (eg PhD/Professional Doctorate).  The focus is on practising and developing language and rhetoric to explain and present your research in both written and spoken forms.  This is open to … Continue reading University English Scheme – Academic English for your Doctorate

Doctoral Skills – Editing techniques for your doctorate

Would you like to learn strategies for editing your doctoral thesis? In this session, we will explore a range of editing techniques, focusing on three key priorities for doctoral writing: clarity; word count; narrative coherence. This session maps to: RDF A2 Descriptor 4 RDF D2 Descriptor 1 Book via Unihub:

Doctoral Skills – Editing techniques for your doctorate

Would you like to learn strategies for editing your doctoral thesis? In this session, we will explore a range of editing techniques, focusing on three key priorities for doctoral writing: clarity; word count; narrative coherence. This session maps to: RDF A2 Descriptor 4 RDF D2 Descriptor 1 Book via Unihub:

Professional Development Planning using the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)

Charles Street 12.3.16 Sheffield, United Kingdom

As part of the RF1 (or equivalent) process, new doctoral researchers at Sheffield Hallam University are required to confirm they have undertaken a Development Needs Analysis. This must be done on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Planner and the 'My Actions' and 'My Action Plan' reports must be attached to your RF1 (or equivalent) … Continue reading Professional Development Planning using the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)