Latest Past Events

SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop


Application for Approval of Research Programme (R1) is one of your first milestones in your doctoral journey. It is a formal assessment point which is designed to provide you with feedback on: the viability of the research the content, clarity and feasibility of the proposed work plan governance of the proposed research, confirm the full … Continue reading SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop

CCRI: RF1 Workshop


The Application for Approval of Research Programme (RF1) is the point at which the university formally approves a candidate’s registration. The RF1 form is submitted 3 months after the date of registration, or 6 months if a student is registered part time. The purpose of the RF1 is to review and approve the content, clarity … Continue reading CCRI: RF1 Workshop

SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop


Application for Approval of Research Programme (R1) is one of your first milestones in your doctoral journey. It is a formal assessment point which is designed to provide you with feedback on: the viability of the research the content, clarity and feasibility of the proposed work plan governance of the proposed research, confirm the full … Continue reading SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop