Sheffield Hallam PGR Peer Mentoring Scheme Briefing Session


We are pleased to announce that Expressions of Interest for the Sheffield Hallam PGR Peer Mentoring scheme for 2023-24 are now open.  The scheme offers a university-wide opportunity for PGR peer mentoring, supporting the needs of PGR students who would like to be mentored and providing a development opportunity for PGR student mentors, facilitating that … Continue reading Sheffield Hallam PGR Peer Mentoring Scheme Briefing Session

Research Ethics: Research Data Management and Storage

Online via MS Teams , United Kingdom

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding the handling and storage of research data.  This workshop will summarise how researchers should handle their research data to make sure they are following the latest guidance. Who is the session for: Early career researchers, mid-career researchers, senior researchers, PhD students, supervisors. The session will be led by Pete … Continue reading Research Ethics: Research Data Management and Storage

Research Ethics: Training for Ethics Reviewers


An overview of what being an ethics reviewer entails; including ethical considerations, using Converis and providing feedback. The session will cover: the process of ethical review at SHU, key considerations when reviewing applications, using Converis and providing feedback to applicants. Aimed at Staff and Doctoral students across all Research Institutes. Would benefit anyone registered as a … Continue reading Research Ethics: Training for Ethics Reviewers