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Multitasking/time management – becoming a rounded researcher
28 November 2019 @ 10:00 - 11:00
What is the session about, what will be covered?
Your time as a Doctoral student is much more than your research project/question. The doctorate is about becoming a rounded researcher and this will involve developing your skills and attributes in a wide range of skills that are important to you as an individual and to your chosen career. This session will discuss what other aspects you can get experience of during your doctorate, what skills can you develop and how this will help in your future. An essential component to getting the most out of your time as a Doctoral student is making the most of your time, organisation and multitasking hints and tips will be discussed to help you develop and enhance these skills.
What do I need to do before attending?
Consider why are you doing a Doctorate what do you want to get out of it?
Who is the session for?
This session is for all Doctoral students across SHU and is targeted for those students pre RF1, but can be useful to all years.
The session is being led by Prof Christine Le Maitre from the Faculty of Health & Wellbeing
Please book your place via Eventbrite on: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/multitaskingtime-management-becoming-a-rounded-researcher-tickets-74810876345