‘From Scotland With Love’ – Screening with introduction by director Virginia Heath on 08 September at Dunfermline’s Outwith Festival

Professor Virginia Heath’s feature documentary film From Scotland With Love will be screened at the Dunfermline Filmhouse at Dunfermline Carnegie Libraries & Galleries this week as part of Outwith Festival. Virginia will introduce the multi-award winning film at a Saturday afternoon screening of the modern classic at the pop-up Dunfermline Filmhouse with an arthouse cinema vibe and four days of films and filmmakers.
From Scotland With Love, with introduction by Professor Virginia Heath
Outwith Festival
Dunfermline Carnegie Libraries & Galleries, Dunfermline
Saturday 08 September 2018, 3.35PM – 5.20PM
See here for tickets and here for the full programme.
Made entirely of Scottish film archive, From Scotland With Love is a 75-minute film by award-winning Director and Sheffield Hallam University Professor of Film Virginia Heath with a transcendent score by Scottish musician and composer King Creosote. A journey into our collective past, the film explores universal themes of love, loss, resistance, migration, work and play. Ordinary people, some long since dead, their names and identities largely forgotten, appear shimmering from the depth of the vaults to take a starring role.
Professor Virginia Heath is a Professor of Film in the Art and Design Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University.