Ron Wright interviewed for contemporary electronic music magazine Electronic Sound

Ron Wright with Hula - Electronic Sound interview

Electronic Sound covers contemporary electronic music and culture with a side order of art and technology, providing in-depth coverage of the current scene, the pioneers, the machines, and the current thinking of the electronic music world. In the latest issue of the magazine Sheffield Hallam senior lecturer (Sound Recording and Design for Film & Media Production) Ron Wright is interviewed […]

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David Clarke Researcher Blog: Reclaiming Robin Hood

Harrison's Survey - Robin Hood project

About the author Dr David Clarke is Principal Research Fellow in the Communication and Computing Research Centre (CCRC) at Sheffield Hallam University. David’s particular areas of interest are Media Law, Regulation & Ethics, Investigative Journalism, and Contemporary Legend and Folklore. Along with colleagues Diane Rodgers and Andrew Robinson, he established the Centre for Contemporary Legend. David regularly blogs about Folklore and […]

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‘Nothing Happens in Huddersfield’ – Sheffield Off the Shelf festival event features Joanne Lee

Banner image for Off the Shelf Event - Joanne Lee at George Perec

Sheffield Off the Shelf Festival Ideas Alive at 5.45PM: Nothing Happens in Huddersfield Tuesday 22 October 2019, 5.45PM Ambulo Café, Sheffield Nothing Happens in Huddersfield is organised by Professor Richard Phillips, of the Department of Geography at University of Sheffield, editor of George Perec’s Geographies: Material, Performative and Textual Spaces, a book offering a rounded picture of Perec’s geographical interests. […]

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‘Illustration Heroes’ – An exhibition of staff, alumni and friends of SHU’s Illustration course

2019-10 Illustration Heroes - HPO Exhibition Banner

Illustration Heroes  An exhibition celebrating the professional work of illustration staff, alumni and friends of the Illustration course at Sheffield Hallam University. The exhibition highlights the key ‘hero’ figure for each exhibitor and the role each played in their education and future career. Illustration Heroes  Friday 11 October – Friday 08 November 2019 Private View Thursday 17 October, 6PM Post […]

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‘Towards Memorial’ – Yuen Fong Ling’s art project exploring the legacy of Edward Carpenter opens in Sheffield’s Yorkshire Art Space on 08 August 2019

Towards Memorial (2019), Yuen Fong Ling, film still by Picture Story Productions. Courtesy of the artist.

02 August 2019 Update: Yuen Fong Ling was interviewed by Rony Robinson on Radio Sheffield earlier this week. Listen here.   09 August 2019 Update: The Platform 2019 exhibition was recently reviewed in The Guardian. Read more here. Platform 2019 Persistence Works, Yorkshire Art Space, 21 Brown Street, Sheffield S1 2BS Friday 09 August to Sunday 01 September 2019 – with […]

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SHU Space & Place Group Conference – Featuring screening of Esther Johnson’s ‘Alone Together’ and sessions by Becky Shaw and James Corazzo – Wednesday 10 July 2019

Still from 'Alone Together' by Professor Esther Johnson

This free day-long event hosted by Sheffield Hallam University’s Space & Place Group at Kelham Island Industrial Museum on 10 July 2019 (as part of the University of Sheffield’s From Brooklyn Works to Brooklynism programme) brings together academics from across SHU, and beyond, to explore different ways of researching spaces and places, specifically from the perspective of comfort and discomfort. This event […]

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‘Fighting for Life’ – Claire Craig hosts play at Crucible Theatre Sheffield exploring issues of end of life care

Banner - Fighting for Life play (taken from Eventbrite)

Fighting for Life is a play by the renowned and award winning writer, Brian Daniels. Inspired by the experiences of the Findlay family it explores issues relating to end of life care. It is a powerful story about navigating systems, coping with the complex challenges that living with life-limiting illnesses bring, about the centrality of communication but above all it is a story about love, […]

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Transmission: Julie Westerman and Lulu Quinn – Tuesday 19 March 2019

Transmission logo and image for Julie Westerman and Lulu Quinn

Julie Westerman and Lulu Quinn have been friends and collaborators for twenty-five years. Inspired by each other’s practice they have combined their expertise in many an epic, entertaining, exasperating, exhilarating, and ambitious public art project, triumphing over the torrents of life-threatening flood-swollen rivers and the threat of legionella. Julie Westerman is an artist, researcher, and lecturer in Fine Art, Sheffield […]

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Transmission: Andrew Sneddon and Zoë Skoulding – Tuesday 12 March 2019

Transmission logo and image for Andrew Sneddon and Zoë Skoulding

A discussion that might revolve around the poetics of place, how inspiration might be received from particular locations, gardens and anti-gardens, nature excluded from architectural space, hidden or buried rivers. Andrew Sneddon is a Scottish artist living and working in the UK. He recently completed his doctorate, Confusions of meaning in the concept of place: An investigation into the role […]

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