Dr Sharon Kivland’s ‘To Dream by the Book’ vinyl playing throughout ‘Decorative Dormitories for Sleep Workers’ – Opens 27 April

Image courtesy of Sharon Kivland (Fine Art, SHU) - image of a Marconiphone from two different angles

“Dreams are of course taking us into the future. But this future, which the dreamer takes as the present, has been moulded by his indestructible wish into a perfect likeness of the past.” Decorative Dormitories for Sleep Workers xero, kline & coma 258 Hackney Road London E2 Opens 27 April 2017 7PM – 9PM House of Hysteria presents their latest […]

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The Dreamers – Features chapter by Dr Sharon Kivland

An image of the front cover and internal page of The Dreamers book

Contributors: Ameena Anjum, Ameera Al-Aji, Andrea Berry, Emma Bolland, Luke Chapman, Helen Clarke, Louise Finney, Rebecca Jagoe, Sharon Kivland, John McDowall, Debbie Michaels, Rachel Smith, Rachel Taylor, Lunzhao Wu Writing, Walking, Dreaming… Walking (literally and figuratively, one might say sleepwalking) is explored herein. Walking and dreaming provide ways of knowing a place. They lead to encounters with strangers and with […]

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Dream Images and Processes of Creativity – Images de rêve et Processus de création – Features chapter by Dr Sharon Kivland

Cover of Images de rêve et Processus de création (In Press Paris, 2017)

Contributors: Jivan Astfalck, Julia Borossa, Anouck Cape, Angélique Christaki, Catherine Desprats-Péquignot, Vincent Estellon, Suzanne Ferrières-Pestureau, Angélique Gozlan, Yannis Grammatopoulos, Xavier Gassmann, Sharon Kivland, Simone Korff Sausse, Silvia Lippi, Céline Masson, Yulia Popova, Caroline Rooney, Silke Schauder, Dimitri Weyl, Monique Zerbib How are images formed in contemporary creation? How do artists capture their dream images to compose their works? What are […]

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