Dream Images and Processes of Creativity – Images de rêve et Processus de création – Features chapter by Dr Sharon Kivland

Cover of Images de rêve et Processus de création (In Press Paris, 2017)
Title:Images de rêve et Processus de création (Dream Images and Processes of Creativity)
Publisher: Editions in Press Paris
Céline Masson and Silke Schauder
Authors:Multiple, featuring Dr Sharon Kivland
Publication date:March, 2017
Print ISBN:978-2-84835-388-3
Format: 138mm x 205mm, paperback
Number of pages:200

Contributors: Jivan Astfalck, Julia Borossa, Anouck Cape, Angélique Christaki,
Catherine Desprats-Péquignot, Vincent Estellon, Suzanne Ferrières-Pestureau, Angélique Gozlan, Yannis Grammatopoulos, Xavier Gassmann, Sharon Kivland, Simone Korff Sausse, Silvia Lippi, Céline Masson, Yulia Popova, Caroline Rooney, Silke Schauder, Dimitri Weyl, Monique Zerbib

How are images formed in contemporary creation? How do artists capture their dream images to compose their works? What are the new theories of the dream? How does the hallucinator intervene in our understanding of clinical and societal facts?

This book proposes that the production of ‘original’ images is an encounter between the present (the now) and the inactive (the reminiscent past), between the images that present themselves in work and the dream images that arise from the unconscious. According to Walter Benjamin, the artist is the one who puts into action her images of thought. The authors variously question what they call excited images, namely images produced by contemporary society that seize us.

In her chapter entitled ‘Du Monde’, Dr Sharon Kivland discusses Freud’s psychical topography, the structure of dreams and representation/s (Vorstellung) memory traces, and the filmic quality of screen memories. through a series of postcards of Rome and a film of thirteen books of categorised antique postcards.