The mystery of the monoliths

Diane Rodgers, senior lecturer in media, arts and communications from the Centre for Contemporary Legend, has been speaking to Sile Sibanda at BBC Radio Sheffield about the appearance of a mysterious monolith in Parkwood Springs which was spotted on New Years Day. Listen from 1:15:00.  

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Diane Rodgers Researcher Blog: Adventures in Folklore with the BBC!

About the Author Diane A. Rodgers is a Senior Lecturer in Media, Arts and Communications at Sheffield Hallam University and a C3RI PhD candidate conducting doctoral research relating to folklore and folk horror in ‘wyrd’ 1970s British Film and Television. On either side of the festive period, I was lucky to have a number of direct collaborations with the BBC in relation to […]

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David Clarke Researcher Blog: Reclaiming Robin Hood

Harrison's Survey - Robin Hood project

About the author Dr David Clarke is Principal Research Fellow in the Communication and Computing Research Centre (CCRC) at Sheffield Hallam University. David’s particular areas of interest are Media Law, Regulation & Ethics, Investigative Journalism, and Contemporary Legend and Folklore. Along with colleagues Diane Rodgers and Andrew Robinson, he established the Centre for Contemporary Legend. David regularly blogs about Folklore and […]

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Researcher Blog by PhD candidate Sophie Parkes-Nield: Folklore on Screen 2019

Centre for Contemporary Legend - The Team

About the author Sophie Parkes-Nield is a doctoral researcher in C3RI’s Centre for Contemporary Legend where she has recently embarked on a practice-based PhD.  Sophie brings together creative writing and folklore in her doctoral research which will focus on British calendar customs. Sophie will travel throughout Britain to witness traditional customs and to interview local people about why they take part […]

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Diane A. Rodgers Researcher Blog: Folklore on Screen

About the Author Diane A. Rodgers is a Senior Lecturer in Media, Arts and Communications at Sheffield Hallam University and a C3RI PhD candidate conducting doctoral research relating to folklore and folk horror in ‘wyrd’ 1970s British Film and Television.  In this blog post, Diane describes her experience of the Centre for Contemporary Legend’s recent ‘Folklore on Screen’ conference. The Centre for Contemporary […]

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Call for Papers – “Centre for Contemporary Legend: Folklore on Screen”

Image provided by Diane Rodgers

Following the success of the inaugural symposium launching the Centre for Contemporary Legend research group in 2018, we are hosting a larger, themed conference at “Folklore on Screen”, 13-14 September 2019. This conference will bring together scholars for two days of discussion about folklore in its many forms: its history, present and complex future in relation to cinema, television, photography, […]

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Centre for Contemporary Legend – Get in Touch!

Centre for Contemporary Legend logo

Following feedback at the successful conference in November, the Centre for Contemporary Legend research group have taken on board advice and comments from our plenary session and feedback postcards, and set up a JISC email list to promote discussion and the sharing of ideas relating to the academic study of folklore in UK higher education in its many forms: • […]

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‘Queer as Folklore: A year of English customs’ – Andrew Robinson featured in BBC article documenting calendar customs across England

Two of Andrew Robinson's images from 'Another England' with BBC logo

Work by Andrew Robinson, Senior Lecturer in Photography at Sheffield Hallam, is currently included in a popular BBC On-line article about seasonal customs entitled Queer as Folklore: A year of English customs. The article has been receiving worldwide attention with upwards of 90,000 views. The images are from an unpublished body of work Andrew undertook in the late 1990s documenting calendar customs […]

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Centre for Contemporary Legend Folklore Symposium at Sheffield Hallam University on 15th November 2018

Image provided by Diane Rodgers

The Centre for Contemporary Legend is a new proposed research centre headed by Dr David Clarke (Reader in Journalism, Sheffield Hallam University), Diane A. Rodgers (Senior Lecturer in Media, Sheffield Hallam University) and Andrew Robinson (Senior Lecturer in Photography, Sheffield Hallam University). An inaugural symposium on folklore studies in the UK is being held at Sheffield Hallam University’s Collegiate Campus […]

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