Save the Date! Design4Health2020 Amsterdam, 1-3 July 2020

Lab4Living in collaboration with WAAG-CARE and the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam NL are pleased to announce that the 6th European Design4Health conference will be held in Amsterdam from 1st to 3rd July 2020.
Established in 2011, Design4Health is a conference that brings together designers and creative practitioners with researchers, clinicians, policy makers and users to discuss, disseminate and test their approaches and methods.

Design4Health2020 organising team in Amsterdam (c) Sabine Wildevuur
Conferences so far have been held in Sheffield in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2018, and Melbourne, Australia in 2017; we are delighted that next year’s conference will take participants to the beautiful city of Amsterdam.
The Lab4Living conference team from Sheffield Hallam, Paul Chamberlain, Claire Craig and Kirsty Christer, travelled to Amsterdam in March 2019 to discuss plans, venues and themes with our partners at WAAG-CARE and the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam. Sabine Wildevuur has been a member of the conference review panel since 2015. Paul Chamberlain was pleased to return to the WAAG, where his HOSPITAbLe exhibition took place in 2017.
We look forward to sharing our ideas and plans with the Design4Health community.
Themes: Designing Future Health
The future is now! For 2020, we particularly invite submissions which consider the role of design in the future of health and care.

The Waag building, Amsterdam
More information
Registration will be open in July 2019. Full details of themes, submissions types and how to submit will be announced at: and
@design4health | #D4H2020
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