Wednesday 03 May 2017 – Lunchtime Seminar with Dr Rinella Cere (Media, SHU)

Speaker: Dr Rinella Cere
Title: ‘Little England beats Great Britain’: Italian Media Coverage of Brexit
Rinella Cere is Reader in Media and Cultural Studies at Sheffield Hallam University. She has researched and taught extensively in the Media and Cultural Studies field and her publications include books, chapters and articles on news media and popular culture in Italy and Britain. Her most recent publication is a chapter entitled: ‘Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony in Postcolonial Media Theory and Culture’, in Merten, K. and Krämer, L. (eds) Postcolonial Studies meets Media Studies, Transcript Verlag, 2016.
Italy, as one of the founding members of the European Union, has always been one of the most pro-European countries, signing up, mostly uncontested, to treaties and policies which has put in train ‘the ever closer union’. In recent years, with the rise of anti-European political movements from the Lega Nord to the various incarnations of Berlusconi’s parties, to the more recent political formation of the Movimento Cinque Stelle, the media and public debate has shifted the balance towards a more critical stance towards the European Union, in particular, since the introduction of the common currency in 2002.
This paper will explore and analyse the coverage of Brexit, the British Referendum to leave the European Union, in the Italian press and a key broadcast political talk show, taking as its focus two features: one, the changed context of the Italian political landscape alongside the ongoing support of the European Union in Italian political culture; two, the ongoing myths about the role and status of the UK, and England in particular, circulating in the Italian public sphere which have been reproduced in the media either to support or undermine the Brexit campaign.
1.00PM – 2.00PM
See here for details of other seminars in the series.
All SHU staff and students are welcome to attend the C3RI Lunchtime Research Seminars. If you are from outside of the University and would like to attend a seminar, please email C3RI Administrator to arrange entry.
Image Credit:- L’Unità newspaper, Italy