Visual Methods with Children and Young People – Academics and Visual Industries in Dialogue – Dr Eve Stirling (Eds)

Book cover of Visual Methods with Children and Young People - Academics and Visual Industries in Dialogue published by Palgrave Macmillan UK featuring a child looking into a camera
Title:Visual Methods with Children and Young People: Academics and Visual Industries in Dialogue
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan UK
Dr Eve Stirling and Dylan Yamada-Rice
Authors:Caroline Claisse, Emese Hall, Melanie Hall, Abi Hackett, Amanda Hatton, Allison James, Jackie Marsh, Kate Pahl, Becky Parry, Lisa Procter, Jennifer Rowsell, Xinglin Sun, Kevin Walker and Elizabeth Wood.
Publication date:October, 2015
Print ISBN:978-1-137-40228-8 (Hardcover) and 978-1-137-40229-5 (eBook)
Format: 140mm x 216mm, hardcover and e-book
Number of pages:220

Visual Methods with Children and Young People – Academics and Visual Industries in Dialogue focuses on using visual research methods with children and young people. Featuring insights from academic experts and established professionals from visual industries, it explores a range of issues from visual ethics to children’s interaction with place.

The collection touches upon key themes such as ethics in research; how to establish a common ground between academic research and design practice through creativity, remixing and play; children’s interaction with place; and ‘using’ children’s drawings in research.

Sheffield Hallam University’s Senior Lecturer in Design Dr Eve Stirling is an editor to and introduces the book.