Prof Paul Chamberlain to deliver 9th Keynote Lecture at London Doctoral Design Centre on 13 June 2017

The London Doctoral Design Centre (LDoc) has invited Prof Paul Chamberlain (Head of ADRC, Director of Lab4Living and Professor of Design) to deliver their ninth keynote lecture, along with Stuart Walker (Chair of Design for Sustainability and a Director of the ImaginationLancaster Research Centre at Lancaster University).
The lecture will take place at 6.30pm on Tuesday 13th June 2017. The event will be of particular interest to postgraduate design research students and academics, but is open to all. Admission is free, but will be by ticket only, so please register in advance.
There will be drinks and networking following the event in the Royal College of Art Senior Common Room.
If you have any queries about the event, please contact ldoc [at] rca [dot] ac [dot] uk.