NESTORE: Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities

The NESTORE ‘expert by experience group’ (EBE) met this week at Lab4Living in Sheffield to reflect and build upon the initial findings from the community living older people workshops that have been conducted over the past two months in the UK. The workshops have explored what is meaningful in people lives and adopts the “exhibition-in-a-box” method developed and facilitated by the Lab4Living design research team.
Following the workshops with older community living people, the EBE group comprised of 10 older people whose age ranges from 54-93 years, have now formally engaged in the project to work alongside the Lab4Living team and the international project partners. The initial meeting with the EBE group and Paul Chamberlain, Claire Craig from Lab4Living (Sheffield) and Leonardo Angelini and Maurizio Caon from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HESSo), reflected upon and responded to the data captured to date.
This EBE group will now embark on the first of a number of tasks the first of which involves recording their personal experiences of technology in their everyday lives. These experiences will be creatively documented and shared as part of the ongoing co-design method which is core to the development of NESTORE.
The shared findings will inform the content of the technological development and through an iterative process and ongoing dialogue with ‘EBE’ group help NESTORE reach its aim to create an innovative system that is designed with people for people.
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