Updates from TC McCormack – October 2023

Most Objects Go Unseen (2023)
TC McCormack’s film: Most Objects Go Unseen (2023), is featured in the exhibition: ENCORE & EN-CORPS, at the Forum Exposition Bonlieu et Baladoir de Bonlieu Scène Nationale, in Annecy, France. Open: 29th September to 22nd October 2023. Part of the ImagesPassages International Festival. Most Objects Go Unseen is a filmic investigation that considers our human ability to form attachments to particular states of materiality, while questioning how filmic space affects our ability to perceive the material world.

Most Objects Go Unseen – film still 3 (Image courtesy of TC McCormack)
Now at Last
Now at Last – a programme of artist’s films, curated by TC McCormack, for a screening event on 13 October 2023, in the Imagespassages Festival, at the théâtre de l’échange, 26 Rue Sommeiller, Annecy, France and featuring artist’s; Benedict Drew, Mark Leckey, Simon Faithful, Melanie Manchot, Ben Rivers, Miranda Pennell and Sasha Pirker. This screening event is part of TC’s ongoing curatorial enquiry which considers the conditions of exhibition making and collaborative forms of exchange.

Now at Last Screening event. CADENCE. Film by Melanie Manchot. Image provided by TC McCormack.
Col McCormack is an artist, curator and researcher at Sheffield Hallam University.
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