Wednesday 22 May 2019 – Lunchtime Seminar with Susannah Gent (Film Production)

Title: Intuitive Filmmaking and the Territorial Unconscious
Speaker: Susannah Gent, Senior Lecturer in Film Production
Filmmaker Susannah Gent analyses her recent experimental shorts in the light of Deleuze and Guattari’s understanding of territory. Throughout her twenty year practice Gent has explored the representation of subjectivity in her films. Her current, practice-led Ph.D. employs a mixed methodological strategy including psychoanalysis, philosophy, and neuroscience.
Approaching filmmaking as research has made her practice more spontaneous. Through reflection on her completed work, Gent finds that the films reveal territorial instincts in both the participants and herself as filmmaker. Psychoanalysis offers a critical framework to explore the nature of these concealed personal and social tendencies, and Gent draws parallels between these findings and a neuroscientific approach to understanding film production and spectatorship.
1.00PM – 2.00PM
Susannah Gent is a filmmaker and Senior Lecturer in Film Production in the Department of Media Arts & Communication at Sheffield Hallam University. Find out more about her work here.