Experimenting with Social Data – Professor Lise Autogena to present at workshop at University of Copenhagen on 15 September

Experimenting with Social Data is a one-and-a-half day Copenhagen Centre for Social Data Science (SODAS) workshop at University of Copenhagen (UCPH) on 14 and 15 September 2017.

The recent rise of massive digital trace datasets in the social sciences (‘social big data’) has served in part to re-actualize notions and practices of ‘the experiment’ and experimentation (including self-experimentation), as well as their associated and divergent legacies in the history and philosophy of science and beyond. While various kinds of experimental social data practices are flourishing, cross-cutting conversations on attendant issues of methodology, epistemology, and research ethics are still few and far between.

This one-and-a-half day workshop will bring together cutting-edge social data science practitioners, leading experts on the history, philosophy and social study of the sciences, as well as big data artists in an attempt to collaboratively map out emerging contours of the ‘experimental moment’ brought about by new digital data formats in the social sciences and society writ large.

Professor Lise Autogena will be presenting on 15 September, participating in discussion and crosscutting interventions.

To arrange tickets please see the website here.

Professor Lise Autogena is an artist and a Professor of Cross-Disciplinary Art at the Cultural Communication and Computing Research Institute at Sheffield Hallam University. Find out more about her work here.