Professor Lise Autogena to present at international Data Publics conference on 26-28 January

Data Publics logo - Goldsmith's University Department of Visual Cultures

Professor Lise Autogena will present at the Data Publics: International Research Forum, at Goldsmiths University’s Department of Visual Cultures on 26-28 January 2017.

The theme of the forum is Public Plurality in an Era of Data Determinacy and takes as its starting point an active understanding of the participation of today’s populations in data generation and the shaping of new public spheres. It will seek to dynamically explore the political implications of hybridised data environments in which individual, commercial and governmental agendas and actions are becoming increasingly blurred. Through both theoretical and artistic explorations it inquires into the impact of a “data mentality” on our expectations and articulations of public spheres, experiments with new visual and cultural modes of binary transgression within the digital public realm and speculates on new models of governance in the context of self-generating data publics. At a time when governments become increasingly private and citizens increasingly public, the forum will argue that it is vital to look into the critical pluralities of both data and publics.

Fellow contributors include Luciana Parisi, Ignacio Valero, Stephen Graham, Jennifer Gabrys, Matthew Fuller, Paolo Gerbaudo, Dani Admiss, Cecilia Wee, Joshua Portway, Simon Yuill, with keynotes by Lev Manovich and Ravi Sundaram.

Lise Autogena is a Professor of Cross-Disciplinary Art at Sheffield Hallam University’s Cultural, Communication and Computing Research Institute. Find out more about Lise’s work here.