Lab4Living wins The Health Foundation SHINE award

In collaboration with the Princess Royal Spinal Injury Unity and the Clinical Improvement Team at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Lab4Living has been successful in winning a SHINE award from The Health Foundation to implement the spinal injury design workshops and ‘measure’ the impact of them on the spinal injury patients using various clinical metrics.
Building on previous work between Lab4Living and the Princess Royal Spinal unit, the pilot workshops have been condensed into four shorter workshops that fit within the standard rehabilitation timetable and programme at the Princess Royal. These four workshops will be run in a week and this weekly pattern will be repeated for a period of three months.
The intention will be to capture every single patient meeting the inclusion criteria validated clinical metrics will be taken looking at self-efficacy and perceived manageability, Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM) and others along with qualitative interview data.