Design to Care: Lab4Living embark on new project in end of life care

Design to Care is a two-year project funded by Marie Curie and in collaboration with the University of Cambridge. The work will explore how design and creative practices can contribute to promoting dignity and quality of life during palliative care. The Design to Care programme will be funded by Marie Curie through fundraising.
Professor Bill Noble, Medical Director at Marie Curie, explained how this exciting new programme will shape the future of end of life care in the UK:
“People are now living longer than ever before. This means a growing number of people are also living with one or more health conditions, needing extra care and support towards the end of their lives.
In these times of stretched resources, we’re now reaching a critical and urgent point where we need to think creatively about how we can meet this increasing demand for care.
By approaching the problem from lots of different and unconventional angles, we hope to develop unique and coherent solutions that will work well into the future, anywhere in the UK.”
Read more from Professor Noble here.