‘Where OT meets IT’: Claire Craig delivers keynote at the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference

Claire Craig gave a keynote address this week at the conference of the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE) in Zagreb. The keynote, entitled Where OT Meets IT aims to explore the harnessing of the potential of digital technologies to promote health and wellbeing. Claire addressed the conference on Friday 27 October.
Where OT meets IT – Keynote by Claire Craig
23rd ENOTHE Annual Meeting 2017
26 – 28 October 2017
See full programme here.
Claire’s talk is available online here.
Claire Craig is Reader in Design and Creative Practice in Health in the Art & Design Research Centre (ADRC) and Co-Director of the interdisciplinary research group Lab4Living. Claire’s research focusses on the role of creative practices in improving quality of life and well-being for people living with dementia.