40th International Perspectives on Contemporary Legend Conference

Read more about the conference coming to Sheffield on its 40th anniversary here and in the Sheffield Star.
We’re pleased to open registration for the 40th International Perspectives on Contemporary Legend Conference, held this year June 26-30, 2023 at Sheffield Hallam University, and hosted by the Centre for Contemporary Legend.
There will be a series of themed panels including:
- Body Horror
- Social Media
- Furries and Ghosts
- Politics, fake news, rumour
- Conspiracy & Belief
- Nation & Indigenous legend
- Haunted Houses
- Digital Legends
- Monsters
- X-Files and UFOs
- Crime & Moral Panics
The conference includes an optional Legend and Landscape excursion to the Peak District National Park, with a guided visit to the Plague Village of Eyam (see here) and a tour of Peak Cavern in Castleton (see here).
There will also be a conference meal at the Showroom Cinema and an evening event (watch out for further details).
We look forward to seeing you in Sheffield!
To register please use the online form here or use the registration form PDF.
Additional Info
A few notes about this year’s conference:
- This year, ISCLR is pleased to extend members-only registration rates for members of The Folklore Society (FLS).
- We have a hotel booking tool with special conference rates for two hotels in Sheffield: the Leonardo Hotel Sheffield and the Novotel Sheffield Centre. Book here.
If you would like to join ISCLR please use this online form here or use the PDF application form here.
For further information on ISCLR please contact Virginia Siegel (she/her/hers), Secretary of the International Society for Contemporary Legend Research and Professor of Practice, University of Arkansas Libraries.
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