Design For Health: Vol 6 issue 1 and ‘PhD During Covid’ call for papers

Design For Health journal cover image
Title: Design for Health, Vol 6 issue 1
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Editor-in-chief:Prof Paul Chamberlain, Sheffield Hallam University
Co-editor:Dr Claire Craig, Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam University
Co-editor:Prof Paul Atkinson, Sheffield Hallam University
Assistant editor:Kirsty Christer, Sheffield Hallam University
Print ISSN:2473-5132
Online ISSN: 2473-5140
Published:Three issues per year

Will temporary become permanent?

Design research for health has taken on a new significance, and in a very short period of time the COVID-19 crisis has brought about years of accelerated change in technologies, and working practices including collaboration, production and co-production, and dissemination. In his editorial ‘Will temporary become permanent?‘, Paul Chamberlain notes the importance of considering how these changes have impacted upon our research and how we might evaluate whether these changes should be regarded as temporary, or alternatively be embedded as more permanent features in future research.

Call for Papers

This year, the Design For Health journal recognises the impact of COVID-19 on design for health and wellbeing research and invites short reports describing the experiences, issues and strategies employed in undertaking a Design for Heath PhD during the pandemic.

Articles in this issue

Some articles in this first issue of 2022 explore issues and opportunities brought about because of the pandemic, while others illustrate the development and adoption of new protocols and practices to enable research.

Unver et al.’s paper ‘Paxman scalp cooling Case Study’ describes the development of a device to prevent chemotherapy-induced alopecia / hair-loss.

In ‘Multi-stakeholder experiences of a User-Driven Living Lab’, Snaphaan et al. describe the technological development of ‘Playtime’, a serious game for people with dementia.

In their article ‘Harnessing virtual reality simulation in training healthcare workers in handling patients with suspected COVID-19 infections’, Veldmeijer et al. respond to the challenges by exploring the value of virtual training but conclude that virtual doesn’t always easily transfer to real life situations.

Training clinical researchers with Design Thinking to develop dementia caregiving research initiatives’ (Aflatoony et al.) makes a case for design thinking to support and improve clinical researchers understanding of dementia care.

Aesthetics and dementia: Exploring the role of everyday aesthetics in dementia care settings’ (Fleetwood-Smith et al.) supports the importance of aesthetics in dementia care practice.

Finally, Adams et el. explore use of hybrid physical and digital platforms in ‘Developing a User-informed Intervention Study of a Virtual Reality Therapy for Social Anxiety in Autistic Adolescents’.