CCRI Seminar Series – ‘Logo supporting/informing/as research’ with Graham Nesbitt (Lab4Living, CCRI PhD Candidate)

Please join us on Wednesday 01 March 2023 for our next CCRI-wide seminar as part of the Culture & Creativity Research Institute Seminar Series, where we will be hearing from Lab4Living‘s Graham Nesbitt.
Logo supporting/informing/as research
Branding activity surrounds us all in many forms, on multiple platforms, and any/all mediums. Marketing, advertising, products, packaging, and points of sale are just some of the elements of branding activity. However, one element takes centre stage: the logo.
Also considered an ident, marque or symbol, the logo is a visual representation of a brand, designed to make an organisation, company, or individuals’ products and services recognisable and differentiable. Starting out as a brandishing of cattle, branding, and more specifically logos, are an omnipresent and integral part in almost every facet of life. In a single day, people are exposed to hundreds and maybe even thousands of visual idents. Logo as… presents visual identities as culture, character, signposts, and much more, and culminates with a review of how a visual ident supports, and informs research, and then proposes a scenario where the logo is research, expanding on the utility of the logo, and questioning just how far this utility can go.
Starting with an overview of visual identity design, three case studies are then examined as examples of how visual identity design supports, informs and can be research. The One/ exhibition was run as a research project in 2019/2020 and demonstrates how the ident was an aesthetic identifier, and also a tool within the exhibition. The Lab4Living refresh in 2020 led to a flexible ident that could be rearranged to express sub-brands, and inform the research taking place within each new brand. Launching this year, the Design4Health Global Network is a research project looking to establish an international community for the Design for Health discipline, and the visual ident has been developed as a research enquiry that forms part of this project. The enquiry examines if the flexibility developed within the ident can help the networks members and audience position themselves, others, their experiences, organisations, and projects, within this discipline.
CCRI Seminar Series – Logo supporting/informing/as research with Graham Nesbitt
Wednesday 01 March 2023, 1300-1400
Held online
If you’d like to come along please contact ! RIS Culture & Creativity RI Enquiries.
Graham Nesbitt
As an early career research assistant with Lab4Living, Graham’s work focuses on visual communication for the facilitation and dissemination of design for health research, exploring branding and visual identity within Lab4Living and the soon-to-launch Design4Health Global Network. Other project enquiries include examining how modifiable risk factors can be communicated more effectively to people with mild cognitive impairment, as well as examining the presence of graphic design during death and grief. Prior to starting with Lab4Living Graham worked as a freelance designer and as a motion graphic designer with the BBC.
About the CCRI Seminar Series
We are currently relaunching our successful seminar series, continuing the regular insights into our researchers and the research we do in the Culture & Creativity Research Institute we explored with our previous C3RI Seminar Series.
If you are interested in giving your own seminar about your research or would like to volunteer to hold a seminar session more geared towards staff development, please let us know at ! RIS Culture & Creativity RI Enquiries. You can find out about future seminars on the CCRI Impact Blog pages for 2022-2023.
It is our aim to record our research seminars and we will make recordings available shortly afterwards on the staff intranet, in order to create an archive of our speakers and seminars.
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