Lab4Living Field Lab – Promoting interdisciplinary research

Lab4Living Field Lab

Lab4Living recently hosted the first in a series of ’Field Labs’ for the EPSRC-funded ‘Engineering for Life’ project (£800k) aimed at encouraging interdisciplinary research. This project is led by Professor Chris Care of the Material and Engineering Research Institute (MERI) at Sheffield Hallam University. The Lab4Living was proud to be chosen as the flagship exemplar of interdisciplinary research. This field lab demonstrated inter-disciplinary research in […]

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Assistive technologies: what is their place in the mainstream market?

Lab4Living Assistive Technologies event

Assistive technologies for older and disabled people have previously been provided through public sector providers such as local authority equipment services and through independent specialist outlets.  However current Department of Health policy is encouraging the mainstreaming of such devices through high street retailers. This significant change presents both opportunities and challenges.  The aim of this day is to bring together […]

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Lab4Living’s network grows

Lab4Living Network Grows

Designing with people is very much at the heart of Lab4Living’s ethos.  Working closely with U3A, Sheffield 50+, Age Concern, Agewell Sheffield and Sheffield Elders’ Congress the research team has established exciting partnerships with older people who are playing an active role in the research process, volunteering and working as community researchers.  This work is seen as vital in gaining proper understanding […]

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Lab4Living showcase work at EPSRC Pioneers event

Lab4Living showcase work at EPSRC Pioneers event

Researchers from Sheffield Hallam’s Lab4Living had the opportunity to showcase their work at the recent Pioneers event at the Kensington Olympia in London. The event, organised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) brought together academics, researchers, policy makers and businesses from across the UK to share cutting edge research and innovative practice. Lab4Living was invited to showcase […]

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