‘Beyond Discipline’ – Week long lecture programme exploring dissolving disciplines and cross-/multi-disciplinarity at SHU this January

Spiral staircase at HPO

BEYOND DISCIPLINE – 8-12 January 2018 – exploits in cross- and multi-disciplinary practice Creativity transcends disciplines, often with unexpectedly successful results and there is a distinct zeitgeist at the moment which is that boundaries and definitions of what it means to be a creative are blurring. Today’s artists and designers studios are reconfiguring the landscape, disciplines are dissolving and many contemporary […]

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Professor Keith Wilson convenes panel conversation ‘Imagining What Museums Might Become’ at City University New York

[Picture credit: Seph Rodney's review for hyperallergic.com]

C3RI Professor of Sculpture Keith Wilson recently convened a conversation on the future of museums at the CUNY Graduate Centre in New York. The discussion, which was reviewed on forum for perspectives on art and culture hyperallergic.com, brought together four leading experts in the relationships between museums an academia: Ken Arnold: Director of the Medical Museion, Copenhagen and Creative Director, Wellcome […]

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Sheffield Hallam Launches PhD Studentship Schemes: ‘Come and join us!’ Doctoral Researchers in C3RI

C3RI Impact Blog background. Keith Wilson, Calendar. Installation at MAC Belfast.

Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) has recently launched PhD Studentship Schemes for 2018. C3RI welcomes applicants from all aspects of cultural, communication and computing research, to work with us in our interdisciplinary research institute. Our research programme has over eighty research students. While researchers sit within their disciplinary field, the Institute offers the opportunity to make connections between the research traditions of […]

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‘Thinkers for our time’: Hester Reeve invited to speak at event discussing Sylvia Pankhurst at The British Academy

Reader in Fine Art Hester Reeve will feature on a panel discussing women’s and workers’ rights campaigner Sylvia Pankhurst at the British Academy on 05 December 2017. Thinkers for our time: Sylvia Pankhurst The British Academy, SW1Y 5AH Tuesday 05 December 2017, 6.30PM – 8PM The event is part of the British Academy’s season on Revolutions. A leading campaigner for women’s and workers’ rights, Sylvia Pankhurst (1882-1960) helped […]

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Lab4Living goes to Melbourne

Lab4Living in Melbourne

The Lab4Living team recently joined Swinburne University’s Centre for Design Innovation team at Design4Health 2017 in the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground, Australia. Claire Craig and Paul Chamberlain delivered a keynote, Dan Wolstenholme and Joe Langley delivered a paper, and Kirsty Christer promoted the new Design for Health journal during the three days of the conference. As well as seeing many […]

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‘The Immense Ventriloquism’ – TC McCormack’s exhibition opens in Berlin – Friday 01 December

Image courtesy of TC McCormack

TC McCormack, Senior Lecturer of Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University, will be opening an exhibition titled The Immense Ventriloquism this Friday in Berlin. Taking place at nationalmuseum, the exhibition considers how our man-made structures exist both in and out of time, and how the course of history continually reappraises objects, resources and even nature. The Immense Ventriloquism – TC […]

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Professor Paul Chamberlain and Lab4Living awarded ‘Most Innovative Design for Ageing in the UK’ at the UK Over 50s Housing Awards 2017

Composite image - Inclusive bathroom design by Vitra, Vitra logo, Lab4Living logo and UK Over 50s Housing Award 2017 logo

Lab4Living, the interdisciplinary research cluster at Sheffield Hallam University which draws together researchers across design, creative practice and health, has been awarded the ‘Most Innovative Design for Ageing in the UK’ in 2017. The Awards Secretariat of the UK Over 50s Housing Awards 2017 made the final decision adjudicating the Award, which is for the adaption of the bathroom for […]

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Design Futures awarded Design Team of the Year at the UK Packaging Awards!

Image of UK Packaging Awards 2017 logo and (L-R) Hal Cruttenden (comedian), OPRL award sponser Jane Bevis, Design Futures' Peter Macqueen and Phillip Chadwick (Packaging News editor)

Update: Find out more about Design Futures’ win on both Packaging News and the SHU Media Centre. Sheffield Hallam University’s packaging design team, Design Futures, are celebrating after winning the distinguished national title of Design Team of the Year in the UK Packaging Awards – the leading industry awards in the country. Other category winners were some of the UK’s […]

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Why Not Associates – Exhibition at the Head Post Office opens with private viewing – Friday 24 November 2017

Why Not Associates logo

Why Not Associates is a British multi-disciplinary design studio with a world-wide reputation, who believe that compelling communication demands an element of surprise, whether it’s for postage stamps or public art, TV idents or cultural institutions. WNA has been at the vanguard of British graphic design for the past three decades. Inventive and irreverent, progressive and provocative, their output is […]

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Dr David Clarke invited to speak about his work with the National Archives at the inaugural conference of the Science & Technology Archives Group – 17 November

Image of Dr David Clarke Photo copyright: Richard Hanson (0793 908 1208) Dr David Clarke (SHU journalism lecturer). 11.09.12 Original job number RH2944 Commissioned by Joe Field at SHU

Dr David Clarke, Principal Research Fellow in Journalism, has been invited to speak at the inaugural conference of The Science and Technology Archives Group (STAG) taking place at the Dana Research Centre and Library at the London Science Museum. David will be speaking about his work on the UFO archives release with The National Archives on Friday 17 November 2017 […]

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