Creative Interruptions in Collaboration with OTO hosts – CHALLENGING ERASURE: RESTORING AND NARRATING PALESTINE

Image credit: The Silent Protest - dir Mahasen Naser Eldin

Creative Interruptions and OTO wish to offer this opportunity for artists and academics in Sheffield to meet and join a discussion about Palestine, give insight into the ways in which Palestine has been documented across the decades and expand the creative dialogue between Sheffield and Palestinian filmmakers and artists. OTO is a practice-led screening and discussion group on current debates […]

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Sharing best practice in interdisciplinary collaboration across the northern and southern hemisphere

Initiate: Collaborate workshop 2 EAD19

Associate Professor Steve Reay from Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand and Lab4Living’s Dr. Claire Craig recently facilitated a workshop at the recent European Academy of Design conference in Dundee (11th-14th April 2019). The theme of the workshop was ‘exploring tensions in interdisciplinary collaborations’. Through a series of crafted activities embodied in the game ‘Initiate:Collaborate‘, developed by Claire and Steve, twenty […]

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‘Anti-Communism in the Twentieth Century’ – Peter Spence screens ‘The Archive’ with Q&A at QUB conference

QUB Anti-communism Conference

Anti-Communism in the Twentieth Century: An International Historical Perspective Wednesday 29 – Friday 31 May 2019 Queen’s University Belfast Find the schedule here. The aim of this conference is to examine the various facets of anti-communism throughout the twentieth century irrespective of focusing on any particular geographical region or limited to a specific sub-field in the study of history. By […]

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Lab4Living on tour! Our work in India

Lab4Living in India

During March this year members of the Lab4Living team undertook a mammoth overseas trip taking in Delhi, Mumbai and Surabaya in eastern Java. Designers Heath Reed and Andy Stanton are delivering projects in school and community settings under a new UK Government funding programme. The work is funded through the ‘Frugal Innovation’ theme in Sheffield Hallam University’s ‘Global Challenge Research Fund‘ […]

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Dr. Claire Craig ‘Design Hero’ at the EAD PhD Gathering

Dr Claire Craig at EAD PhD Gathering

Lab4Living’s Dr. Claire Craig was invited as one of four Design Heroes to the PhD gathering at the European Academy of Design conference in Dundee. The event, organised by Sara Nevay, a PhD student at Dundee, brought together over 60 PhD students from across the globe to discuss their work, to share both insights and experiences of undertaking Design Research. […]

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Saturday 8 June 2019 – A Soft Rebellion in Paradise – The International Premiere of a film by Chloë Brown

A Soft Rebellion in Paradise

For one day this spring, Sheffield’s historic Paradise Square is set to transform into an art gallery for a major outdoor screening event as part of Sheffield Doc/Fest. A Soft Rebellion in Paradise, a new short film by artist and Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Chloë Brown shot on location in the Square, will receive its international premiere on Saturday 8th […]

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‘Empathy & Risk’ – Interdisciplinary initiative addressing systemic failure in contemporary crises

Empathy & Risk

Empathy & Risk is an artist-led inter-disciplinary initiative that addresses issues of systemic failure in contexts of contemporary global crisis. The initiative was born out of a conviction that artists’ perspectives have an important role to play in the framing of international, national and institutional responses to threat and conflict.  Empathy & Risk believes that the capacity of the arts […]

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Penny McCarthy’s gallery of ‘Beware the Cat’ series of illustrations

Two Cats Talking - Beware the Cat series (c) Penny McCarthy

Fine Art Reader Penny McCarthy writes about the research behind the Beware the Cat series of illustrations in a new blog post on the project’s website. The gallery of ink and brush illustrations are a response to Penny’s reading of the 16th Century text written by William Baldwin. Researchers from the disciplines of Fine Art, Theatre, Literature, and Linguistics at the University […]

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‘Vital Vagueness’ – Rose Butler presents art, material and research at The Free/Libre Technologies, Arts & Commons Unconference

2019-05 BUTLER Rose - UNRF Unconference

Rose Butler will be presenting art, material and research titled Vital Vagueness for the Unconference cluster Negotiating Digitalities in Art, on 30 May 2019. Unconference about Art, Design, Technology, Making, Cities and their Communities: Free/Libre Technologies, Arts and the Commons Organised by the University of Nicosia Research Foundation, as part of the project Phygital. The event will start on 30 […]

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