Wednesday 28 March 2018 – Lunchtime Seminar with Dr Photini Vrikki (Brunel University London)

Title: Finding the ‘Social’ in Social Media Data: a Discourse Approach to the Analysis of Big Data Speaker: Dr Photini Vrikki, Brunel University London Date and time: Wednesday 28th March 2018, 1pm-2pm Hosted by: Dr Anandi Ramamurthy In recent years, scientists within and beyond established fields of what is considered social sciences and the humanities have begun engaging with new […]

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Tuesday 27th March 2018 – Lunchtime Seminar with Dr Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Title: Information practices and infrastructural challenges of mobile knowledge work Speaker: Dr Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Date and time: Tuesday 27th March 2018, 1pm-2pm Hosted by: Professor Luigina Ciolfi The knowledge workforce is changing: global economic factors, increasing professional specialization and rapid technological advancements mean that more individuals than ever can be found working in […]

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Art & Design Research Surgeries at the HPO with Sarah Wild – Thursday 15 March 2018

SIA Post Hall, HPO Cafe, Research Support Surgeries

Sarah Wild, Research Support Manager for C3RI, is running a number of research surgeries for researchers in Sheffield Institute of Arts (SIA) at the Head Post Office (HPO). Invitation from Sarah If you have any queries about support for your Research activities, the ADRC/C3RI Research Support Team are always here to help.  We are based over in Cantor Building but in […]

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Wednesday 21 March 2018 – Lunchtime Seminar with Gemma Wheeler (Design Researcher at Lab4Living)

Banner image for Gemma Wheeler's C3RI Lunchtime seminar - courtesy of Gemma Wheeler

Speaker: Gemma Wheeler (Lab4Living) Title: Engaging patients, families and healthcare staff to explore and enhance patient participation in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: A design-led PhD case study A spinal cord injury is a devastating event that results in partial or complete paralysis and/or loss of sensation below the level of injury. It requires a long, complex, multidisciplinary rehabilitation process in […]

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CANCELLED: Wednesday 07 March 2018 – Lunchtime Seminar with Professor David Machin (Media & Communication at Örebro University, Sweden)

Picture of David Machin and logo of Örebro University Sweden

Unfortunately the lunchtime seminar with Professor David Machin has been cancelled due to illness. This seminar will hopefully be rescheduled for a future date. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.   Speaker: David Machin, Professor of Media & Communication, Örebro University, Sweden Title: How teachers and researchers lose control of their own work in marketized education: A multimodal […]

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‘Beneath the city streets’: Researchers discuss urban infrastructure in evening talk at Sheffield Hallam University, featuring Dr Becky Shaw – Wednesday 21 March 2018

Flyer for 'Beneath city streets' event - courtesy of Dr Becky Shaw

Beneath the city streets: four researchers explore urban infrastructure and its invisibility will bring together researchers exploring urban infrastructure in an evening of discussion on Wednesday 21 March 2018 in Cantor building at Sheffield Hallam University. Sewers, cables, roads and myriad other infrastructural networks are the enabling frameworks of modern life, and yet we so rarely notice them. This free, open-to-all, evening […]

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Tuesday 20 February 2018 – Lunchtime seminar with Carmelo Ardito and Giuseppe Desolda (University of Bari)

Composite promotional image for C3RI Lunchtime seminar featuring University of Bari visiting speakers

Speakers: Carmelo Ardito (Assistant Professor) and Giuseppe Desolda (Research Fellow) of the Interaction, Visualisation, Usability and UX Lab, University of Bari, Italy. Title: Empowering Cultural Heritage Experts to Design Smart Environments Hosted by: Professor Daniela Petrelli The growing availability of computer technologies like smartphones, interactive displays and smart objects is stimulating Human-Computer Interaction researchers to investigate how non-technical users can […]

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Artist’s talk with Karen Lofgren introduced by PhD researcher Victoria Lucas: Wednesday 14 February 2018

Banner image for Karen Lofgren's artist's talk at SHU, introduced by Victoria Lucas

Los Angeles-based artist Karen Lofgren will be introduced by SHU PhD researcher at SHU Victoria Lucas at an artist’s talk on 14 February 2018. Karen’s current research focus is on ‘cultural beliefs and how they influence approaches to sickness and cure from a more-or-less feminist and decolonial standpoint’. Artist’s Talk: Karen Lofgren 14 February 2018 1PM – 2PM Cantor 9003 Karen Lofgren is […]

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Wednesday 14 February 2018 – Lunchtime Seminar with Dr David Clarke (Reader in Journalism)

Speaker: Dr David Clarke, Reader in Journalism, Sheffield Hallam University From ‘Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster’ to PizzaGate: what is Fake News and what can we do about it? Journalism Reader David Clarke has published research on false news and propaganda disseminated by governments and media organisations during the First and Second World War. In this presentation he traces the […]

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