Art & Design Research Surgeries at the HPO with Sarah Wild – November/December 2019

Sarah Wild, Research Institute Manager for the Culture & Creativity Research Institute / C3RI, is running a number of research surgeries for researchers in Sheffield Institute of Arts (SIA) at Art and Design Research Surgeries at the HPO. Two sessions are being run this winter:
Monday 18 November 2019, 3.30-5PM
Thursday 12 December 2019, 9.30-11AM
Invitation from Sarah

Sarah Wild, Research Institute Manager for the Culture & Creativity Research Institute / C3RI
If you have any queries about support for your Research activities, the ADRC/C3RI Research Support Team are always here to help. We are based over in Cantor Building but in order to make it easier for you I try to run regular ‘Surgery’ sessions at the HPO building.
On Monday 18 November between 3.30PM and 5PM and on Thursday 12 December between 9.30AM and 11AM I will be based in the Post Hall café so please drop in and speak to me about any Research-related queries you may have about:
- the REF,
- Funding your research,
- Publishing,
- SHURA/Elements,
- Mentoring,
- Staff Development,
- Ethics,
- Research Degrees.
I’m also happy to help with anything connected to Research. I can advise in detail on some matters and for others I may put you in touch with other specialist teams or information.
You are very welcome to book in for a specific time if you wish, just send me an email. If you can’t make this date, I’m very happy to arrange to see you another time.
I hope to keep running these as regular events but I’d also welcome other ideas about what you would find useful – if you have any feedback, comments or ideas, do let us know.
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