September 2017 – What We Did This Summer …

C3RI Impact Blog background. Keith Wilson, Calendar. Installation at MAC Belfast.
About the author

Alison Honnor is Impact Researcher for C3RI and editor of this blog.

Welcome back!

After taking a break from regular updates over the summer period, the C3RI Impact Blog is back.  Here is a round-up of recent activities from C3RI researchers along with a few announcements of things in the pipeline.

I hope you enjoy catching up on ‘what we did this summer’. If you would like your research activity to feature on the C3RI Impact Blog do please get in touch.


ECSCW 2017: The 15th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work

At the end of August, C3RI hosted the 15th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work chaired by Professor Luigina Ciolfi. The ECSCW 2017 Proceedings are now available entirely in digital format.

* Free Open Access to ECSCW 2017 Full Papers until 30 September 2017 *

A triple Special Issue of the CSCW Journal features full papers from the conference. This issue is available free as Open Access through SpringerLink until 30 September 2017. In addition, the ECSCW 2017 companion proceedings (including exploratory papers, doctoral colloquium, panel, demos and posters short papers) are freely available from the EUSSET Digital Library.

For further information on the conference please visit the ECSCW 2017 conference website or follow the #ECSCW hashtag on Twitter.

Also look out for a forthcoming Researcher Blog post from C3RI doctoral candidates Ghayda Al Juwaiser and Caroline Claisse. Ghayda and Caroline will be writing about their experiences as Student Volunteer Chairs at ECSCW2017.


Asunder – summer screenings and more screenings

Throughout the summer Professor Esther Johnson’s film Asunder has continued its tour of cinemas and community venues across England and Scotland. Asunder uses archive and contemporary film and music to tell the story of a town in the north east of England during WWI. The film continues to receive great feedback and requests for additional screenings.

Further dates for autumn screenings:

12 September 2017 – Filmhouse, Edinburgh

13 September 2017 – Belmont Filmhouse, Aberdeen

15 September 2017 – Shipley Film Society, Kirkgate Centre, Shipley (Film + Q&A)

30 November 2017 – Gosforth Civic Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne (Film + Q&A)

7 December 2017 – Curzon Soho, London (Film + Q&A)

You can find out more about the film here. Follow @1916Asunder on Twitter to hear about forthcoming screenings.


Impact from Dr David Clarke’s research into UFOs continues

Earlier in the summer Reader and Principal Lecturer in Journalism, Dr David Clarke completed the very last release of British Government documents on UFOs to The National Archives. David has worked as curator for the files created by the MoD and Royal Air Force since they were released to The National Archives under the Freedom of Information Act in 2008. With this final tranche of files, David has produced a Research Guide for users of The National Archives to aid access to the files whether online or at the TNA reading rooms in Kew.

As a result of his research in the area of UFO History, art book publishers Four Corners Books commissioned David to produce a book on the visual history of UFO sightings. The resulting publication UFO Drawings From The National Archives is published later this month.


Shared Solidarities III

Last week saw the 3rd Shared Solidarities workshop co-chaired by Dr Rinella Cere, CCRC’s Reader in Media and Cultural Studies. This one-day event was organised by Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) and saw discussions and workshops by both academics and activists on nuclear threat and climate change. You will be able to find out more about the Shared Solidarities workshop in a forthcoming blog post from Rinella.


Creative Interruptions

Throughout the summer, Dr Anandi Ramamurthy, Reader in Post-colonial Cultures, has been working with partners on the Research Councils UK (RCUK) funded Creative Interruptions project. Anandi leads research around Palestinian Cinema has formed partnerships with Sheffield Palestine Cultural Exchange and Cinema Palestino Manchester. The project will deliver a number of events and film screenings in the next few months. More will be revealed in a forthcoming post on the Researcher Blog from Anandi.


And finally, 2017-18 C3RI Research Seminar Series – coming soon …

In the coming weeks C3RI researchers will be working with the admin team to put together another vibrant programme of research seminars for the new academic year. It will be a few weeks before the programme is finalised, but expect announcements of talks by a range of visiting speakers and seminars lead by researchers from across the Institute. If you are a member of staff and would like to present, please contact the C3RI Administrator by email to make arrangements.


The Researcher Blog returns later this week with a post from Prof Luigina Ciolfi on cultural heritage and digital technologies.



Image credit for this post and the blog background:  Keith Wilson, Calendar. Installed at MAC Belfast, 2016