‘Testing, Testing’ – Exhibition and Symposium

Testing, Testing
SIA Gallery, Sheffield Hallam University
Emma Bolland, Rose Butler, Michael Day, Susannah Gent, Debbie Michaels, Emma O’Connor, Bernadette O’Toole, Jo Ray, Rachel Smith, Rachel Emily Taylor
Artists speak about ‘making’ all the time, but what making looks like, feels like, where it takes place and how it occurs can differ greatly from one artist to the next. Whether we are making drawings or photographs, informed guesses or unexpected insights, the act of making is experienced and expressed differently by artists with different research agendas, media and approaches.
Testing, Testing aims to extend a discussion about research in art practice by showing the evolving stages of practice-based research. The project takes the form of an exhibition at SIA Gallery, a symposium event, and a two-part publication, all produced by practice-based Ph.D. researchers in the fine art subject area at Sheffield Hallam University. A catalogue, designed by Joe Rolph, will be available at the exhibition.
Exhibition open 13th August–1st September 2016. Gallery open 11am–5.30pm Tuesday to Saturday.
The symposium event will look at the role of interdisciplinary dialogue in art research, focusing on the potential for dialogue to connect practices of making and knowing. Aimed mainly at practice-based fine art researchers in academic contexts, this free event will take place on Friday 2nd September. Register here.