Making Stories – Jewellery & Objects: VIP Preview Evening for Jewellery and Metalwork Exhibition

Making Stories - Jewellery & Objects

MAKING STORIES: Jewellery and Objects We are delighted to invite you to join us as we showcase the work of graduating students from our MA Jewellery and Metalwork course. We will be joined by key members of the Jewellery & Metalwork community together with creative practitioners and partners from our regional museums, galleries, and design studios. Light refreshments will be served between 1800 – […]

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Transmission: Site Gallery hosts the first cohort of the Freelands Artist Programme – Tuesday 03 March 2020

2020 TRANSMISSION Ling Yuen Fong - Carr, Street, Vann, Williams - Photo by Jules Lister

TRANSMISSION 2020 Keywords are words or concepts of significance. Sometimes they are used as shortcuts to interpretation or expectation. Words (and concepts) have multiple and often contradictory meanings. They are not fixed, and there may be a struggle over their definitions. They change and flow or are blocked and fought over. They are employed, weaponised, or otherwise. This year Transmission […]

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‘Towards Memorial’ – Yuen Fong Ling’s art project exploring the legacy of Edward Carpenter opens in Sheffield’s Yorkshire Art Space on 08 August 2019

Towards Memorial (2019), Yuen Fong Ling, film still by Picture Story Productions. Courtesy of the artist.

02 August 2019 Update: Yuen Fong Ling was interviewed by Rony Robinson on Radio Sheffield earlier this week. Listen here.   09 August 2019 Update: The Platform 2019 exhibition was recently reviewed in The Guardian. Read more here. Platform 2019 Persistence Works, Yorkshire Art Space, 21 Brown Street, Sheffield S1 2BS Friday 09 August to Sunday 01 September 2019 – with […]

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‘Walk Out’ – Exhibition of the Walking Arts Research Group opens in Sheffield with private view on Thursday 29 November

Walk Out exhibition banner

WALK OUT is an exhibition of the work made through engagement with the Walking Arts Research Group (WARG). Much of the work is a free-form response to the rural and urban environment. WARG at Sheffield Hallam University provides a collaborative space for the investigation of cross-practice creative production linked to a range of walking practices. It has become a forum […]

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‘HOSPITAbLe: New Domestic Landscape’ – Exhibition of Professor Paul Chamberlain’s furniture opens at Sheffield’s Yorkshire Artspace on 03 September 2018

Banner image for HOSPITAbLe - exhibition by Paul Chamberlain

Taking place alongside major international conference Design4Health, HOSPITAbLe is a collection of furniture created by Professor Paul Chamberlain that reflects upon and challenges an ambiguous future domestic landscape that presents hybrid functionality and confused visual language and soundscape. HOSPITAbLe Yorkshire Artspace, Persistence Works Sheffield Monday 03 September 2018 – Sunday 16 September 2018, 10AM – 4PM Free admission. Download the flyer here. […]

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