Prince Harry visits VR Lab to see prosthetics and rehab research

Prince Harry visits Impact VR Lab

The Duke of Sussex learnt about the Communication and Computing Research Centre’s latest Virtual Reality (VR) research during a visit to Sheffield Hallam University last week. Prince Harry was given a demonstration of a system supporting the rehabilitation of amputees by Impact VR Research Lab lead researcher Ivan Phelan and Maurice Lee, a prosthetics user who has been helping to refine the […]

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CENTRIC’s cryptocurrency-tracing training game for investigators announced at Europol Cryptocurrency Conference


Europol has announced the ongoing development of a cryptocurrency-tracing serious game, developed and co-created in close cooperation with Sheffield Hallam University’s CENTRIC (Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research). The news was announced at the sixth Cryptocurrency Conference held last week at Europol’s headquarters in the Hague, Netherlands. The game will be the first law enforcement training opportunity on […]

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VR Researcher and Games Developer, Ivan Phelan introduces his research to the BBC

VR Game for Sheffield Children's Hospital rehabilitation project - Ivan Phelan

This week C3RI’s VR Researcher and Games Developer, Ivan Phelan spoke to the BBC about how virtual reality (VR) games can help patients through rehab. Ivan and his team are currently working on a collaborative project with Sheffield Children’s Hospital researching the ways in which VR might help children through rehab for limb injuries. This research will be featured on […]

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Researcher Blog by Jonathan Saunders: ‘Serious Games’ at Counter Terror Expo 2017


About the author Jonathan Saunders is a Serious Games Researcher in CENTRIC (Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime).  He is currently working on the AUGGMED project which uses a virtual and mixed reality environment to deliver training to a range of agencies dealing with terror threat scenarios.   Jonathan recently showcased AUGGMED at the 2017 Counter […]

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