Transmission: Site Gallery hosts the first cohort of the Freelands Artist Programme – Tuesday 03 March 2020

2020 TRANSMISSION Ling Yuen Fong - Carr, Street, Vann, Williams - Photo by Jules Lister

TRANSMISSION 2020 Keywords are words or concepts of significance. Sometimes they are used as shortcuts to interpretation or expectation. Words (and concepts) have multiple and often contradictory meanings. They are not fixed, and there may be a struggle over their definitions. They change and flow or are blocked and fought over. They are employed, weaponised, or otherwise. This year Transmission […]

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‘Gravity 2020: Museum’ – Becky Shaw and Frances Scott in discussion

2020-02-13 SHAW Becky - Gravity Museum III - Image detail from PHX - X is for Xylonite

  Gravity: Museum   We look forward to a new season of Gravity lectures convened in partnership with Museums Sheffield. Through Gravity, we offer an innovation platform that aims to build a learning community seeking new forms of understanding of art practice through speculative conversations that are often propositional and co-created between students and speakers. Each presentation will begin with […]

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‘Gravity 2020: Museum’ – Gary Simmonds and Bob Partridge discuss Gwen John’s ‘A Corner of The Artist’s Room in Paris’

2020-02-06 SIMMONDS Gary - Gravity Museum II - Image detail from Gwen John’s A Corner of The Artist's Room in Paris (1907-9)

Gravity: Museum We look forward to a new season of Gravity lectures convened in partnership with Museums Sheffield. Through Gravity, we offer an innovation platform that aims to build a learning community seeking new forms of understanding of art practice through speculative conversations that are often propositional and co-created between students and speakers. Each presentation will begin with a discussion […]

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‘Introduction to Gravity with Penny McCarthy’ – First lecture of the Gravity 2020: Museum series on Thursday 30 January

Image of Gravity logo, Museum Sheffield logo and Detail from The Temple of Time by Emma Willard (1846)

Gravity: Museum We look forward to a new season of Gravity lectures convened in partnership with Museums Sheffield. Through Gravity, we offer an innovation platform that aims to build a learning community seeking new forms of understanding of art practice through speculative conversations that are often propositional and co-created between students and speakers. Each presentation will begin with a discussion […]

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