Michelle Atherton presents ‘Errant Vibrations with the Underground’ research at Bath Spa University symposium

Michelle Atherton was invited to present her research ‘Errant Vibrations with the Underground’ at Fiction Machine IV Symposium at Bath Spa University considering methods of fiction and personification within art practice to engage with, and give voice to, more than human lifeforms and materials. Michelle’s exploratory paper was based on her new practice-based art project Ecstatic Rot and the Soil […]

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Reveil 2023: Michelle Artherton broadcasts from Eden Valley Burial Ground

Michelle Atherton Reveil 2023 Broadcasters

Michelle Atherton was invited to participate in Reveil 2023, a live 24hr global broadcast for World Dawn Chorus Day which took place 6-7 May. The broadcasts followed the sun’s rise across the planet for the period of one day. Michelle contributed a broadcast from Eden Valley Burial Ground, Kent, as part her Ecstatic Rot research investigating our relationships with transience, […]

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An Unwell World? Michelle Atherton speaks at Association of Social Anthropologists conference

Michelle Atherton Low Frequencies

Michelle Atherton was invited to contribute to the Association of Social Anthropologists conference at SOAS, London last month. The 2023 ASA conference ‘An Unwell World? Anthropology in a Speculative Mode’ focused on the world we live in today. Her practice-based presentation explored how undertaking a natural burial for a close relative led to realisations about the difficulty Western secular societies have […]

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Ecstatic Rot: Michelle Atherton begins residency at Bethnal Green Nature Reserve

Image: Ecstatic Rot: Probes with Soils Michelle Atherton 2022

Michelle Atherton has begun her new practice-based research residency Ecstatic Rot at Bethnal Green Nature Reserve, East London, investigating our relationships with transience, decomposition and recomposition as more-than-human activities. She is interested in finding experimental ways to explore ephemera: the loss and flows of materialities, including cycles of transformation across species and substances at Bethnal Green Nature Reserve. As part […]

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Michelle Atherton’s ‘The Invite, The Impetus, & The Chat’ featured in art.earth Borrowed Time: Death, Dying and Change

Borrowed Time book cover

image by art.earth   A new piece of writing by Michelle Atherton has been published in Matt Osmond & Richard (Eds.) Borrowed Time: Death, Dying and Change art.earth, Kingsbridge, Devon, England 2022. The book’s overall premise is that: ‘we’re all of us living on borrowed time: the brevity of our personal span of existence now mirrored by a biosphere under intolerable pressure, its […]

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‘Live from the Rowan Tree and the International Space Station: A Celebratory Gathering’ – Michelle Atherton in conversation at the Borrowed Time symposium

Rowan Tree by Eeno11 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, commons.wikimedia.org_w_index.php_curid= next to Borrowed TIme symposium info

Michelle Atherton is in conversation about her participatory event: Live from the Rowan Tree and the International Space Station: A Celebratory Gathering at the Borrowed Time: on death, dying and change symposium on Monday 01 November. As a prequel Zoom event for the symposium, Live from the Rowan Tree… took the form of a Celebratory Gathering on the evening of […]

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‘Autonomy’ – Fine Art’s Rose Butler and Michelle Atherton featured at the Middlesbrough Art Weekender 2019 exhibition next week

2019-09 BUTLER and ATHERTON Middlesbrough Art Weekender banner - images courtesy of Rose and Michelle

The Middlesbrough Art Weekender 2019 The Middlesbrough Art Weekender (MAW) is an annual contemporary arts festival held in Middlesbrough. From 26 to 29 September 2019, MAW brings a full programme of events, exhibitions, performances and screenings to venues across the town centre. The focus of MAW2019 is autonomy and local, regional and international artists are invited to present work tackling and responding […]

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‘Digital Ecologies II: Fiction Machines’ – Michelle Atherton presents her ‘Repository of Irrational Gestures’ at symposium at Bath Spa University

Image courtesy of Michelle Atherton - Digital Ecologies Symposium, Bath Spa University banner

Digital Ecologies II: Fiction Machines Senior Fine Art Lecturer Michelle Atherton presented her research project The Repository of Irrational Gestures (RIGs) in the form of a performance lecture at the Digital Ecologies II Symposium: Fiction Machines, hosted by The Centre for Media Research at Bath Spa University on Tuesday 16 July 2019. In the introduction to his book Fiction as […]

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