Lab4Living leads on Special Issue in Evidence & Policy journal

Creativity and Co-production

An interdisciplinary global editorial team, convened by Lab4Living’s Dr Joe Langley, has launched a call for papers for a special issue of journal Evidence & Policy. The editors seek expressions of interest on papers exploring Creativity, Co-production and healthy societies in the context of evidence and policy. Evidence & Policy is an international peer reviewed journal of research, debate and […]

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Researcher Blog: Dr Remi Bec – our French mascot on a mission to represent lab4living and design research in Canada

Dr Remi Bec - Canada blog post 1

Welcome to the first in a series of researcher blog posts on Remi Bec’s mission to share his experience of Designing in Health with Canadian researchers. About the author After studying model making and space design in France, Remi Bec completed a PhD exploring the use of games to promote physical activity. Following this, Remi was seconded to the Translating […]

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