‘Inside the Freud Museums’ – Dr Sharon Kivland features in book exploring art interventions within Freud’s museums

Composite image of 'Inside the Freud Museum' front cover and Freud Museum (WikiCommons)
Title:Inside the Freud Museums: History, Memory and Site-Responsive Art
Publisher: IB Taurus
Author:Joanne Morra
Artists featured:Mieke Bal & Michelle Williams Gamaker, Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, Susan Hiller, Sarah Lucas, Vivienne Koorland, Oliver Clegg, William Cobbing, Anne Duguelle, Verea Frenkl, Sharon Kivland, John Baldessari, Joseph Kosuth, Jenny Holzer, Franz West and Ilya Kabakov
Publication date:November, 2017
Print ISBN:9781780762074 (paperback)
9781780762067 (hardback)
Format: 216mm x 134mm, paperback and hardback, 80 integrated B&W illustrations
Number of pages:288

There will be an event at the Freud Museum to launch art historian and theorist Joanne Morra’s book Inside the Freud Museums: History, Memory and Site-responsive Art  (IB Tauris, 2018) on Thursday 08 March 2018. This will feature a reading by Joanne and discussion on exhibitions at the Freud Museum by cultural theorist and artist Mieke Bal, and artists Susan Hiller and Michelle Williams Gamaker who will speak about their respective exhibitions at the Freud Museum London.

The talks and discussion will be followed by a drinks reception marking the launch of the publication.

Author/Artists Talk and Book Launch of Inside the Freud Museums: History, Memory & Site-Responsive Art
Freud Museum, London NW3 5SX
Thursday 08 March 2018
6.30PM – 9PM

For ticketing information please see here.

About the book:

Sigmund Freud spent the final year of his life at 20 Maresfield Gardens, London, surrounded by all his possessions, in exile from the Nazis. The long-term home and workspace he left behind in Berggasse 19, Vienna is a seemingly empty space, devoid of the great psychoanalyst’s objects and artefacts. Now museums, both of these spaces resonate powerfully.

Since 1989, the Freud Museum London has held over 90 exhibitions by a distinctive range of artists including Mieke Bal & Michelle Williams Gamaker, Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, Susan Hiller, Sarah Lucas, Vivienne Koorland, Oliver Clegg, William Cobbing, Anne Duguelle, Verea Frenkl, Sharon Kivland. The Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna houses a small but impressive contemporary art collection, with work by John Baldessari, Joseph Kosuth, Jenny Holzer, Franz West and Ilya Kabakov. In this remarkable book, Joanne Morra offers a nuanced analysis of these historical museums and their unique relationships to contemporary art.

Taking us on a journey through the ‘site-responsive’ artworks, exhibitions and curatorial practices that intervene in the objects, spaces and memories of these museums, Joanne Morra offers a fresh experience of the history and practice of psychoanalysis, of museums and contemporary art.

This event has been supported by Research at Central Saint Martins, Central Saint Martins’ Art Programme (University of the Arts London), and IB Tauris.

Dr Sharon Kivland is a Reader in Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University. Find out more about Sharon Kivland’s work here.