Thursday 07 September 2017 – Shared Solidarities III: Framing Catastrophe workshop

Shared Solidarities III Framing Catastrophe

Framing Catastrophe is a day event which aims to explore how we respond to those two intertwined issues when their very gravity may induce feelings of powerlessness, denial and a sense of being overwhelmed. How, then, might activists address the problem in ways that encourage effective movement-building and mainstream public discussion?

Speakers include Nigel Young, founder member of Bradford University’s pioneering Peace Studies Department, Natalie Bennett, former leader of the Green Party, and Steve McGiffen campaigning writer on the ‘anthropocene’.

This is a joint event between the Social Movements and Climate Change Networks of Meccsa and The Cultural Communication and Computing Research Institute at Sheffield Hallam University, hosted by Rinella Cere and Ros Brunt.

It is free and all are welcome. We are providing lunch and refreshments, so everyone who wishes to attend is asked to register beforehand. The venue is at the university’s central City Campus site, five minutes from the bus and rail stations.

Full details of the day’s programme will be sent out immediately after registration closes.

To register for this event please visit the eventbrite page here.