Monday 22 May 2017 – Lunchtime seminar with Dr Eve Stirling (Design, SHU)

Speaker: Dr Eve Stirling (Design, SHU)
Title: Ways of knowing through exhibiting
“An invitation to a speculative seminar:
One strand of my current research activities explores ‘Ways of knowing through making and exhibiting’.
In this seminar I will present and reflect upon two research projects that are linked to this theme – ‘CoLAB – Collaborative Exhibition As A Method To Open Interior Design’ and ‘Visualising Research of young people’s lives’ (ADRC-funded). I use these two cases to explore the notion of exhibitions and installations as a research method and offer possibilities for new avenues of inquiry.
I am looking for people who would like to collaborate and share ideas on this topic with a view to project development and bid writing.
Informal seminar, you can eat your lunch!”
Dr Eve Stirling
12.00PM – 1.00PM
MONDAY 22 MAY 2017
See here for details of other seminars in the series.
All SHU staff and students are welcome to attend the C3RI Lunchtime Research Seminars. If you are from outside of the University and would like to attend a seminar, please email C3RI Administrator to arrange entry.