‘Exorcising the present ghosts of our immediate future’: Fine Art’s Gravity series in collaboration with SIA and Site Gallery Sheffield – Discussion on Thursday 06 December

On the cusp of Site Gallery’s 40th year this event in collaboration with Sheffield Institute of Arts and Fine Art Gravity lecture series looks back at the archive of curatorial history (particularly in relation to technology) – to the ghosts of exhibitions that haunt us – to see how this process impacts on contemporary curating.
Discussion: Exorcising the present ghosts of our immediate future
Site Gallery, 1 Brown Street Sheffield S1 2BS
Thursday 06 December 2018, 4.30PM – 6PM
Please register your interest on Eventbrite.
I’m intrigued by the study of ghosts. Ghosts come from libraries. It’s the book you read and that you remember; ideas you thought you had forgotten. The ghost is the re-read, the re-seen, the forgotten.Philippe Parreno
In 1998 Site held an exhibition called Star-Dot-Star which itself looked back to an exhibition at the ICA in 1968 called Cybernetic Serendipity which was heralded as one of the first exhibitions to incorporate art and technology. 2018 is a 20 and 50 year loop from these exhibitions and a moment when Site is also looking to the archive in preparation for the 40th year of the organisation in 2019.
Chaired by Jeanine Griffin, Site’s current PhD researcher, speakers include Antony Hudek on another key exhibition in relation to technology: Les Immateriaux, 1985, and David Morris of Afterall/ Central St Martin’s who runs an exhibition histories project.
Antony Hudek is a Belgium based curator and director of the Curatorial Studies postgraduate programme at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) of University College Ghent.
David Morris is a writer, researcher and educator. He is an editor of Afterall journal (Central Saint Martins, London) and managing editor of Afterall’s Exhibition Histories series, and teaches at University of the Arts, London.