‘Anthropocene Monument’ – Professor Lise Autogena exhibiting at symposium-performance and exhibition in Toulouse

An image of a landfill by the sea, from overhead.

Professor Lise Autogena, Professor of Cross-disciplinary Art, is taking part in the exhibition and symposium-performance Anthropocene Monument at Les Abbatoirs in Toulouse this October. In 2000 Eugene F. Stoermer and Paul Crutzen proposed that we are now not in the Holocene but the ‘Anthropocene’, a new geological epoch in which human beings are the determining geological force. The Anthropocene Working […]

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Researcher blog: Introducing Anna Santomauro

Cochineal insects are collected from a prickly pear cactus pad in the village of Ein Qinya outside of Ramallah in Palestine, on February 10, 2023. Photographed by Al-Wah’at Collective.

In the second of a series of blog posts introducing some newer members of research staff, we meet Anna Santomauro to find out about her new role, how she hopes to work with research staff, and some current projects.  Anna is a Senior Research Fellow in the Culture & Creativity Research Institute (CCRI) where her role is to create bridges […]

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Sheffield’s No Bounds Festival highlights the role art can play in place-making

No Bounds

Between 14-16 October, artist-researchers from CCRI exhibited at No Bounds Festival of electronic music, contemporary art and new technology across two sites curated by Innovation Manager, Amy Carter Gordon. Moore Street substation hosted Noémie Soula, Lab4Living, presenting Mythical Living Data ‘a striking audio-visual piece’ to two hugely oversubscribed sold-out days of tours in the working electrical substation. Sheffield and District […]

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No Bounds Festival – Hallam’s collaboration set to spark conversation

No Bounds

An exciting, barrier-breaking cultural festival is coming to Sheffield this October – and we’re thrilled to announce that staff and academics from the Culture & Creativity Research Institute have been involved in key exhibitions. What to expect from the festival? If you come to the festival, you’ll have an opportunity to see the city from new and different perspectives and a rare […]

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World-leading impact for SHU’s art, design and media research in REF2021

REF2021 results

The recent REF2021 results confirm the benefits to society, culture and health of practice-based art, design and media research at Sheffield Hallam University. REF has rated the Art, Design & Media Research Centre (ADMRC) and Lab4Living as 100% World-leading or Internationally excellent for impact. The ADMRC and Lab4Living have a well-established track record for practice-based research which is reflected in […]

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Foghorn Requiem Performance

Professor Lise Autogena’s Foghorn Requiem Performance Featured on BBC Radio 4   Professor Lise Autogena’s performance Foghorn Requiem was featured on BBC Radio 4. Life, Death and The Foghorn is presented by Jennifer Lucy Allan and produced by Jack Howson for the BBC “What happened to the foghorn, those beloved giants of our coastal landscape and soundscape? There used to be more than 100 […]

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‘Introduction to Gravity with Penny McCarthy’ – First lecture of the Gravity 2020: Museum series on Thursday 30 January

Image of Gravity logo, Museum Sheffield logo and Detail from The Temple of Time by Emma Willard (1846)

Gravity: Museum We look forward to a new season of Gravity lectures convened in partnership with Museums Sheffield. Through Gravity, we offer an innovation platform that aims to build a learning community seeking new forms of understanding of art practice through speculative conversations that are often propositional and co-created between students and speakers. Each presentation will begin with a discussion […]

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Transmission ‘In Conversation’ – 2018-2019

Transmission 2018-2019 Banner

Transmission is an annual series of lectures and symposia, now in its fifteenth year, and is a collaboration between Fine Art, the Art & Design Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University, and Site Gallery. Convened by Sharon Kivland in 2001, Transmission was developed collaboratively with Lesley Sanderson from 2001 to 2004, and with Jasper Joseph-Lester from 2004 to 2012. The series is now convened […]

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‘Beyond Discipline’ – Week long lecture programme exploring dissolving disciplines and cross-/multi-disciplinarity at SHU this January

Spiral staircase at HPO

BEYOND DISCIPLINE – 8-12 January 2018 – exploits in cross- and multi-disciplinary practice Creativity transcends disciplines, often with unexpectedly successful results and there is a distinct zeitgeist at the moment which is that boundaries and definitions of what it means to be a creative are blurring. Today’s artists and designers studios are reconfiguring the landscape, disciplines are dissolving and many contemporary […]

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