METHOD 2016 is a conference exploring the ingenuity embedded in research methods, across disciplines. The event is designed by C3RI staff and research students and includes presentations from across the University’s research student community.
Every research student must use a method to find something out, or gain new insights, and must be able to articulate their process. While it is inevitable that research content will be discussed, the conference focuses on the practice of research: how research students build and relate structures of method. Every research student must be able to understand what methods are available and what will work effectively to answer their research inquiry. However, they must also be able to articulate this decision making journey, make a case for their chosen direction, and reflect on whether it was the best path. METHOD 2016 offers a training opportunity for students to articulate their process, and also offers the context for a wider debate about research method.
Across the University disciplines there are enormous differences of practice and culture that can be seen in many ways, including how we understand data, our differing relationships to objectivity and subjectivity, and the way we use text and written voice etc. These differences sit within the often unspoken histories, codes, and styles of our specific disciplines. These differences may make cross-disciplinary understanding challenging as we search for adequate vocabulary that crosses disciplinary boundaries, and grapple to understand disciplines that don’t abide by the same rules as our own. This type of risk is essential if we are to grow our unusual multi-disciplinary research environment and find new terrain. METHOD 2016, then, offers a context where we might find some common ground, explore our differences and learn from each other.
To attend this event please sign up via eventbrite here.