Wednesday 05 April 2017 – Lunchtime seminar with Professor Deniz Hasirci (Izmir University, Turkey)

Title: Modern Furniture and Interiors – The DATUMM Project
Speaker: Associate Professor Dr Deniz Hasirci (Izmir University, Turkey)
DATUMM: Documenting and Archiving Turkish Modern Furniture is based on the history of modern furniture design in Turkey. The aim of this project is to highlight modern furniture designed and produced in Turkey in the modern periods that can be defined as “Cubism” or “Functional Architecture Period”, and the period of “International Style”. These design works are considered to be significant pieces of “collective memory”, however, they are disappearing day-by-day due to a lack of awareness on the topic. Furniture, as a part of the spatial context and individually, is an important part of design theory as well as design history. It reflects the context of the time, lifestyles, choice and behaviour. The manifestation of modernism at the beginning of the 20th century can be indicated as a milestone regarding the whole history of furniture. However, when the history of furniture in Turkey during this time is analysed, it is observed that one can only come across limited information. Interviews with designers of the time have unveiled significant knowledge regarding the understanding behind modern furniture and its production at the time. This seminar will concentrate on the methods of investigating modern furniture and its designers in Turkey.
Visiting Erasmus scholar Associate Professor Dr Deniz Hasirci is the Department Head of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at the Izmir University of Economics, Turkey and will be hosted by Dr Eve Stirling (Interior Design, SHU).
1.00PM – 2.00PM
Head Post Office 16.1.16 (MA Design Studio)