Our Future Shared with Robots – exhibition opens Friday 17 March 2017

Co-biotics event images - images by Professor Ian Gwilt

Co-botics: Our Future Shared with Robots
Adelphi Room, Crucible Theatre, 55 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 1DA
Friday 17 March & Saturday 18 March 2017
Exhibition is open to the general public and for school group bookings
Admission is free

As robots and automated devices becomes more commonplace, this exhibition poses questions about the future use of robotic technologies in society. The exhibition will demonstrate the potential of human-robot collaboration and highlights issues around the expansion of automated services in work, home and public spaces. You’ll be able to engage with a range of collaborative robots that could transform our daily lives, and with the researchers developing them.

This exhibition runs over two days:
Friday 17 March: 11AM-3PM
Saturday 18 March: 10AM-4PM

On Friday 17 March, the event is open to schools groups to book and the general public who do not need to book. Schools can book to attend at 11AM, 12PM, 1PM and 2PM – visits last 45 minutes.

On Saturday 18 March there will be an interactive exhibition with Pop-Up Talks:

Bee-hind a Robot Mind
Speaker: Dr. Chelsea Sabo, Department of Computer Science, the University of Sheffield

A Robot Dog for Hospitals
Speaker: Dr Emily Collins, Department of Psychology, the University of Sheffield

Speaker: Dr Owen McAree, Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering, the University of Sheffield

Human Robot Collaboration
Speaker: Mr Joe Rolph, Art and Design Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University

Presented by Professor Ian Gwilt
Based in the Art and Design Research Centre (ADRC) at Sheffield Hallam University (and a member of Sheffield Robotics) Ian’s research explores novel and inclusive applications for the use of visual communication and information design, including the design of information to enhance public engagement with robotics.

Co-botics: Our Future Shared with Robots, an exhibition by Sheffield Robotics, University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, opens on Friday 17 March. Click here for further details about this event.