Dr Eve Stirling (Design, SHU) invited to speak at Creative Research Methods Symposium at University of Oxford

Dr Eve Stirling has been invited to speak at the Creative Research Symposium at the University of Oxford Department of Education on 28 June 2017.
28 June 2017
Creative Research Methods Symposium
Seminar Room A
15 Norham Gardens
Department of Education
University of Oxford, OX2 6PY
9.30AM – 3.30PM
Eve will be speaking on the topic of Visual methods with children and young people: what can we learn from the visual industries?, in a symposium drawing on the expertise of guest speakers around the country to discuss the use of creative research methods in a variety of contexts. There will also be an opportunity for practical work in the afternoon with the artist-in-residence. Anyone interested in qualitative research methods, and particularly the more unusual creative methods is welcome.
To register and attend, please email creativemethodssymposium [at] gmail [dot] com with your name, status (e.g. doctoral student, masters student, lecturer etc), department and university and any dietary needs. Registration is essential as places are limited.
For the schedule and further details please see here.
Dr Eve Stirling is a Senior Lecture in Design and Programme Leader for MA/MFA Design. She is interested in the proliferation of digital spaces within our everyday lives and the relationship between time and space within these.